Friday, February 27, 2009

Day 2 Without FB

Yesterday I had a date with my husband after work. We hardly ever do that. Not because I choose FB over spending time with my husband but because we really don't have time during the week. It was a nice change. As we drove back to my car we talked and laughed. Generally when we are in the car going somewhwere I am on my phone on FB. We even sat in the car and talked once we got to my car which reminded me of our dates before we got married. It was great. I did not realize I missed that part of our relationship. When we got home from the movies we read a few chapters of Matthew. Fred found that Bible has bible study lessons for Lent. Check it out. So he read to me and we discussed some things in the scripture readings. Like what are Beatitudes? I remember having to memorize them when I was in Catholic school but that is about it.

Here are the things I did on 2/26 instead of being on FB:

1. Accomplished 95% of the items on my To Do list at work
2. Went to the movies with my husband
3. Read and discussed the Bible
4. Talked and laughed with my husband in the car
5. Went to bed early and got some much needed sleep

Until the next posting remember to put God first and try not to go to bed with your makeup on.

Love Ya


1 comment:

  1. When you first mention giving up facebook in Bible Study, I laughed. I know how much time one spends on facebook (I am a facebook junkie) and the time it takes away from those we love. We can be in their presence and instead of talking to them we are updating our status, checking friends status and uploading photos.

    I am so glad you and Fred got to spend some time with each in fellowship and study.
